Re: Minor changes to Gateway Terms and Conditions

Changes to NBN Gateway Terms and Conditions and Data Provider Agreement

As part of the roll-out of V3.4 of the Gateway a series of minor alterations have been made to both the Gateway Terms and Conditions (http://data.nbn.org.uk/help/popups/generalTerms.jsp) and the Data Provider Agreement (http://data.nbn.org.uk/userInfo/Gateway%20Data%20Provider%20Agreement%20v1.2.doc). The changes are essentially to cover the use of the web services (which did not exist when the terms were originally drafted) and updating any reference to URLs (from www.searchnbn.net to data.nbn.org.uk).

Please ensure that you read them carefully as by accessing data through the Gateway you are agreeing to be bound by them. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the helpdesk (gateway@nbn.org.uk)

Best wishes
Graham French
NBN Technical Liaison Officer