Re: Recorder Web and the NBN
This message was inspired by this post.
The idea of making Recorder data available on the web (via web services or otherwise) is one that has often been talked about. What concerns me is that there is potentially a great deal of wheel-reinvention going on, which different record centres making their own bespoke systems, doing the same thing over and over in different parts of the country(s). I would imagine there is a lot of commonality in what is required and it would make sense to pool resources where appropriate and perhaps make an open source project of it. I don't know, it just seems like much more could be accomplished if LRCs pooled their resources (if they have any, that is) together on projects such as this. Perhaps backing the Recorder Web Toolkit project might be worth looking at?
Of course, the downside of pooling resources together is that added layer of bureaucracy and process which can slow a project down. Sometimes small, simple, focussed and agile is the best solution.
Finally, any reason for not making use of the NBN web services? We don't because we simply don't have any data on the gateway for various reasons, but we do intend to make use of the Gateway in the future. I think hearing views on why organisations may shy away from making data accessible via Gateway would be interesting to hear. For me its the (percieved?) effort involved in preparing data for the Gateway; it would take a lot of time away from our limited resources for what benefit? And I think that is, for us, the key question: what are the core benefits of making data accessible via the Gateway? I think its a discussion that needs to be had.
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council | |