Query over change to listings in the "Summary for each taxon":
In the 2014 version of the spreadsheet, in the "Summary for each taxon", under the heading "Habitats Directive", a number of species shown as being listed under two of the Directive's Annexes.
In the 2016 version of the spreadsheet, in the "Summary for each taxon", under the heading "D: Habitats Directive", only one of the Directive's Annexes is listed.
The 2016 "Master list" shows that these species are still listed under two of the Annexes, so is this just an error in the way that the "Summary" has been compiled, or has there been a change to the way the Annexes are interpreted?
The species in question are:
TVK - group - species - 2016 summary - 2014 summary
NHMSYS0000080156 - amphibian - Triturus cristatus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000188601 - bony fish (Actinopterygii) - Alosa alosa - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NHMSYS0000544611 - bony fish (Actinopterygii) - Alosa fallax - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NHMSYS0000544657 - bony fish (Actinopterygii) - Coregonus oxyrinchus - HabDir-A2 - II; IV
NBNSYS0000188606 - bony fish (Actinopterygii) - Salmo salar - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NBNSYS0000033009 - crustacean - Austropotamobius pallipes - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NBNSYS0000002028 - fern - Trichomanes speciosum - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000003668 - flowering plant - Apium repens - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000002284 - flowering plant - Cypripedium calceolus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0000459021 - flowering plant - Gentianella anglica - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0000460402 - flowering plant - Liparis loeselii - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000002100 - flowering plant - Luronium natans - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0000460842 - flowering plant - Najas flexilis - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000003798 - flowering plant - Rumex rupestris - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000003491 - flowering plant - Saxifraga hirculus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000006470 - insect - moth - Gortyna borelii subsp. lunata - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000188584 - jawless fish (Agnatha) - Lampetra fluviatilis - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NBNSYS0000005137 - marine mammal - Halichoerus grypus - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NBNSYS0000005135 - marine mammal - Phoca vitulina - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NBNSYS0000005172 - marine mammal - Phocoena phocoena - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000005179 - marine mammal - Tursiops truncatus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0001701883 - mollusc - Anisus (Disculifer) vorticulus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0001702090 - mollusc - Margaritifera (Margaritifera) margaritifera - HabDir-A2* - II; V
NBNSYS0000188641 - reptile - Caretta caretta - HabDir-A2 - II; IV
NBNSYS0000188639 - reptile - Chelonia mydas - HabDir-A2 - II; IV
NHMSYS0000080178 - terrestrial mammal - Barbastella barbastellus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000005133 - terrestrial mammal - Lutra lutra - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0000528024 - terrestrial mammal - Myotis bechsteinii - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NBNSYS0000005154 - terrestrial mammal - Myotis emarginatus - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0000080176 - terrestrial mammal - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
NHMSYS0000080177 - terrestrial mammal - Rhinolophus hipposideros - HabDir-A2* - II; IV
Martin Harvey
Biological Records Centre
CEH Wallingford